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Фанат воссоздал деревню из Zelda: Ocarina of Time на Unreal Engine 4 – Игровые Новости

Появились новые видео фанатского ремейка The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time на движке Unreal Engine 4

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    Моддер CryZENx продолжает трудиться над неофициальным ремейком The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, который он создает на движке Unreal Engine 4. За последние несколько месяцев энтузиаст опубликовал у себя на YouTube-канале три ролика с демонстрацией последней итерации своего проекта, показав в них различные локации Хайрула, переработанное главное меню, а также новые модельки Сарии, Гохмы и Дерева Деку. Кроме этого, автор улучшил детализацию Линка, подтянул визуальные эффекты и исправил ряд ошибок, однако оценить всю проделанную работу в настоящий момент можно только на видео. В открытом доступе новая демка пока не появилась.

    Проект умудряется существовать и развиваться уже на протяжении несколько лет без претензий к автору со стороны Nintendo, которая известна своей строгой политикой по отношению к фанатским творениям, использующим ее интеллектуальную собственность. Другой вопрос, сумеет ли энтузиаст-одиночка довести свою работу до полноценного релиза, или же она так и останется набором из нескольких уровней.

    Оригинальная Ocarina of Time вышла в 1998 году на Nintendo 64 и по-прежнему остается самой высокооцененной частью серии.

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    Zelda Ocarina of time in UE4

    Hey guys

    I am working on making a zelda ocarina of time like game in UE4. Here a quick showcase of some basic stuff:

    This is a really early state and will be improved.
    Do you have any thoughts or imput what I can improve? Leaf a commend I would much appreciate it

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    Although pretty cool, this is basically the same as pirating, if not worse, and shouldn’t be allowed around here. It infringes copyright laws, and I consider a pretty disrespectful move to other game developers that are trying to create their own thing.

    Why not put a little more effort, create your own models and make your own zelda-like game? There’s nothing wrong in using similar mechanics and story, just not straight up using a successful game’s name and models. My advice is use your skill to try and do something you can look at and actually call it your own.


    • Join Date: Mar 2015
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    Thanks happy you like it so far

    Although pretty cool, this is basically the same as pirating, if not worse, and shouldn’t be allowed around here. It infringes copyright laws, and I consider a pretty disrespectful move to other game developers that are trying to create their own thing.

    Why not put a little more effort, create your own models and make your own zelda-like game? There’s nothing wrong in using similar mechanics and story, just not straight up using a successful game’s name and models. My advice is use your skill to try and do something you can look at and actually call it your own.

    I kinda agree with you but you have to think about some points.

    1) I will never see even a dollar for this I make it only for fun since I am a big zelda fan.
    2) This is the very first thing I do in UE4 or any other game engine and I can’t model nor animate. I do this to learn UE4 basicly.
    3) I give all creedits to nintendo it’s obvious I didnt make the models and stuff .
    4) I alone will never be able to creat a game on the same level as the orginal. Gameplay and contend wise.
    5) Nintendo will see no damage form this its not like less people will buy their games because of what I do here.

    Would you still call this “pirating”? Please see it as a hobby made fan-game from a zelda fan for zelda fans and not something to make money or steal from nintendo.


    • Join Date: Mar 2014
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    Although pretty cool, this is basically the same as pirating, if not worse, and shouldn’t be allowed around here. It infringes copyright laws, and I consider a pretty disrespectful move to other game developers that are trying to create their own thing.

    Why not put a little more effort, create your own models and make your own zelda-like game? There’s nothing wrong in using similar mechanics and story, just not straight up using a successful game’s name and models. My advice is use your skill to try and do something you can look at and actually call it your own.


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    • Join Date: Mar 2015
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    This looks really cool, you did a great job of recreating the environment and gameplay. Obviously still rough around the edges but with polish and some tweaking of the physics it will look pretty faithful to the original. How much of the game do you intend to recreate?

    On the subject of copywrite, although Nintendo can shut you down for the work you’ve done already, they’re not likely to if you keep the scope of the project very small. For example, keep the content to just Kokiri Forest, with a couple of enemies to fight as a showcase of your ability, and as a fan project.

    I wouldn’t recommend trying to go bigger than that. Remember that it doesn’t make any difference if your project is free, the assets are all your own creation and you give credit to Nintendo. If they haven’t given explicit permission to use the Zelda IP, then it’s copywrite infringement.


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    • Join Date: Jul 2014
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    Who are you to call anyone a snob?

    The bottom line is that if someone was going to expend an ounce of effort, it makes more sense to do it for your own project instead of piggyback someone else’s vision. The only people who would have a problem with that are hacks and children. Which are you?


    • Join Date: Mar 2014
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    Who are you to call anyone a snob?

    The bottom line is that if someone was going to expend an ounce of effort, it makes more sense to do it for your own project instead of piggyback someone else’s vision. The only people who would have a problem with that are hacks and children. Which are you?

    I am calling him a snob based on his comments. I think his comments were a little pompous, though I don’t think he intended for them to be. Second, for all you know this person could be in highschool, just learning about game development. To learn how to become better is by experience, and this is experience. Is it wrong for him to learn in this field? And he is making a fan project because he loves the property that Nintendo has made. Note that I think if you make your own ideas that’s even better, but you have no information on how new this person is, and you also know he’s just doing it because he likes Zelda, not to profit off of Nintendo. Multiple famous game developers started working on fan games. If we look at present day those that made Black Mesa used a Valve property and learned and created a game. i.e, it doesn’t matter how someone learns, just that they grow from the experience and learn.

    I am not saying this is the same as creating your own IP. But to be pompous about it is just ridiculous, when some of the industry greats who are CEOs of some of the big companies did the very same thing. Not only that but very prominent members created fan art of games they love too. The Last of US, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. Go on Polycount and you will find fan work of IPs as well. You need to realize learning and growing in experience does not matter if it’s a unique idea or not. Your ultimatum is null, sorry, I expect a reply unless you agree I’m right, not trying to be mean, if it’s coming off such as.


    • Join Date: Jul 2014
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    You’re the last person who should be deriding anyone for being pompous.

    If he/she is in high school, then he is being taught by the community (because apparently you’re all about learning) that he/she is partaking in thievery. It doesn’t matter who else has done it before and who else will do it after. If you’re not working to develop your own ideas and you’re attempting to piggyback off the hard work someone else put in into an IP just to make a name for yourself, you’re a hack. There is no in-between. The only reason he/she used Link and Kokiri Forest isn’t to learn. It’s to get hits to his Youtube video. He could have learned all the same without being an art thief.

    The only reason you should have a problem with that is if you partake in the same behavior. Shame on you.


    • Join Date: Sep 2015
    • Posts: 195

    I see your point, kind of.

    Pissess me off when somebody puts Mario in Kite Demo scenario and make 3 million views on Youtube (6k usd?).

    But unless he distributes the game, he ain’t gonna break anybody’s balls.


    • Join Date: Mar 2014
    • Posts: 64

    You’re the last person who should be deriding anyone for being pompous.

    If he/she is in high school, then he is being taught by the community (because apparently you’re all about learning) that he/she is partaking in thievery. It doesn’t matter who else has done it before and who else will do it after. If you’re not working to develop your own ideas and you’re attempting to piggyback off the hard work someone else put in into an IP just to make a name for yourself, you’re a hack. There is no in-between. The only reason he/she used Link and Kokiri Forest isn’t to learn. It’s to get hits to his Youtube video. He could have learned all the same without being an art thief.

    The only reason you should have a problem with that is if you partake in the same behavior. Shame on you.

    I actually don’t partake on using original IPs, I’m an artist in the industry mind you. Do note that his Youtube channel has 6 subs. How else is he supposed to show his work in video format? Youtube is ease of access and you’re now just picking at straws. Everyone uses Youtube, big or small. And he even stated he is just showing his love for the Zelda franchise, and won’t be selling it. He is just showcasing what he has done so far. Know that many people who work in Nintendo who helped create the Zelda IP did the exact same thing in creating fan work, art and etc of original IPs. Are you really telling me that the hundreds of PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS on Polycount, some of who are very prominent in the Polycount forum are hacks just because they create fan art of original IPs? Are you serious? Many of these same people you call hacks work for Ubisoft, Blizzard, Activision and more. The fact that you call artists hacks who create fan work shows just how twisted you are thinking.

    As an artist in the industry it is really quite sad that you could potentially be picking on a thirteen year old. I hope you have a good day, and I hope you change your opinion on the hundreds of professional artists who make fanwork of original IPs that they’re hacks too. Good day.

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